Chemistry Nobel prizes by year, annotated list

Field: organic chemistry
1902Emil Fischer1852-1919organic chemistry"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses"
1904Sir William Ramsay1852-1916inorganic chemistry, nuclear chemistry"in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system"
1905Adolf von Baeyer1835-1917industrial chemistry, organic chemistry"in recognition of his services in the advancement of organic chemistry and the chemical industry, through his work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds"
1906Henri Moissan1852-1907inorganic chemistry, nuclear chemistry"in recognition of the great services rendered by him in his investigation and isolation of the element fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science of the electric furnace called after him"
1910Otto Wallach1847-1931industrial chemistry, organic chemistry"in recognition of his services to organic chemistry and the chemical industry by his pioneer work in the field of alicyclic compounds"
1912Paul Sabatier1854-1941organic chemistry"for his method of hydrogenating organic compounds in the presence of finely disintegrated metals whereby the progress of organic chemistry has been greatly advanced in recent years"
1912Victor Grignard1871-1935organic chemistry"for the discovery of the so-called Grignard reagent, which in recent years has greatly advanced the progress of organic chemistry"
1913Alfred Werner1866-1919inorganic chemistry"in recognition of his work on the linkage of atoms in molecules by which he has thrown new light on earlier investigations and opened up new fields of research especially in inorganic chemistry"
1915Richard Willstätter1872-1942natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his researches on plant pigments, especially chlorophyll"
1918Fritz Haber1868-1934industrial chemistry, inorganic chemistry"for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements"
1927Heinrich Wieland1877-1957natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his investigations of the constitution of the bile acids and related substances"
1928Adolf Windaus1876-1959natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for the services rendered through his research into the constitution of the sterols and their connection with the vitamins"
1930Hans Fischer1881-1945natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his researches into the constitution of haemin and chlorophyll and especially for his synthesis of haemin"
1937Paul Karrer1889-1971natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his investigations on carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B2"
1937Norman Haworth1883-1950natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C"
1938Richard Kuhn1900-1967natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his work on carotenoids and vitamins"
1939Leopold Ruzicka1887-1976natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his work on polymethylenes and higher terpenes"
1939Adolf Butenandt1903-1995natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his work on sex hormones"
1943George de Hevesy1885-1966inorganic chemistry, nuclear chemistry"for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes"
1947Sir Robert Robinson1886-1975natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his investigations on plant products of biological importance, especially the alkaloids"
1950Kurt Alder1902-1958organic chemistry"for their discovery and development of the diene synthesis"
1950Otto Diels1876-1954organic chemistry"for their discovery and development of the diene synthesis"
1965Robert B. Woodward1917-1979natural products chemistry, organic chemistry"for his outstanding achievements in the art of organic synthesis"
1969Odd Hassel1897-1981organic chemistry, stereochemistry"for their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation and its application in chemistry"
1969Derek Barton1918-1998organic chemistry, stereochemistry"for their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation and its application in chemistry"
1973Geoffrey Wilkinson1921-1996inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry"for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds"
1973Ernst Otto Fischer1918-2007inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry"for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds"
1975Vladimir Prelog1906-1998organic chemistry, stereochemistry"for his research into the stereochemistry of organic molecules and reactions"
1975John Cornforth1917-2013organic chemistry, stereochemistry"for his work on the stereochemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions"
1979Georg Wittig1897-1987organic chemistry"for their development of the use of boron- and phosphorus-containing compounds, respectively, into important reagents in organic synthesis"
1979Herbert C. Brown1912-2004organic chemistry"for their development of the use of boron- and phosphorus-containing compounds, respectively, into important reagents in organic synthesis"
1983Henry Taube1915-2005inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry"for his work on the mechanisms of electron transfer reactions, especially in metal complexes"
1987Charles J. Pedersen1904-1989organic chemistry"for their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity"
1987Jean-Marie Lehn1939-organic chemistry"for their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity"
1987Donald J. Cram1919-2001organic chemistry"for their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity"
1990Elias James Corey1928-organic chemistry"for his development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis"
1994George A. Olah1927-organic chemistry"for his contribution to carbocation chemistry"
1996Richard E. Smalley1943-2005organic chemistry, structural chemistry"for their discovery of fullerenes"
1996Sir Harold Kroto1939-2016organic chemistry, structural chemistry"for their discovery of fullerenes"
1996Robert F. Curl Jr.1933-organic chemistry, structural chemistry"for their discovery of fullerenes"
2001Barry Sharpless1941-industrial chemistry, organic chemistry"for his work on chirally catalysed oxidation reactions"
2001Ryoji Noyori1938-industrial chemistry, organic chemistry"for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions"
2001William Knowles1917-2012industrial chemistry, organic chemistry"for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions"
2005Richard R. Schrock1945-organic chemistry"for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis"
2005Robert H. Grubbs1942-organic chemistry"for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis"
2005Yves Chauvin1930-2015organic chemistry"for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis"
2007Gerhard Ertl1936-inorganic chemistry, surface chemistry"for his studies of chemical processes on solid surfaces"
2010Akira Suzuki1930-organic chemistry"for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis"
2010Ei-ichi Negishi1935-organic chemistry"for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis"
2010Richard F. Heck1931-2015organic chemistry"for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis"