Abstract format

Participants giving oral or poster presentations are invited to submit a 'camera-ready' text on a single A4 page. To allow for binding, left margins should be at least 2.5 cm (1 inch). Titles should be centered in boldface 18 pt letters, and the names of authors in 14 pt capital letters. The name of the author presenting the contribution must be underlined. The address(es) of institution(s) are given in 12 pt italic letters. The text must be in 12 pt roman letters (see model below). Participants using LaTex may use the standard style 'article' (\documentstyle[12pt, a4]{article}).

Abstracts should be written in standard British or American English and sent - preferably by e-mail - simultaneously to akuleff@inrne.bas.bg and ydelchev@inrne.bas.bg. Accepted file formats are: PDF, PS, RTF, DOC, and DVI or TEX.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is April 1st, 2001.

Only abstracts following the pattern and style defined above will appear in the book of abstracts. Every participant will be given a copy of this book of abstracts on arrival at the registration desk.

Abstract model

Reproduction of metal-cluster magic numbers
using a q-deformed, 3-dimensional
harmonic oscillator model


1 Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria

2 Laboratoire de Chimie Physique - Matière et Rayonnement,
UMR 7614, CNRS and UPMC,
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France


In this paper we review the main properties of the q-deformed, 3-dimensional, harmo-nic oscillator (Q3O) and show how this model can be used for the description of metal-cluster properties. We recall that the Q3O symmetry uq(3) Ésoq(3), which is a non-linear deformation of the chain u(3) Éso(3), is a relevant symmetry for metal clusters. This is because the Q3O potential gathers the main features of semi-empirical potentials (such as that of Nilsson and Clemenger) which have been successfully used in the description of metal clusters. The advantage of our model is that the class of q-deformed symmetries is richer than that of Lie symmetries, making the Q3O potential more flexible than its classical analogs. We show how to derive potentials which, when introduced into the 'standard' Schrödinger equation, provide a spectrum similar to that of the Q3O model. We also propose prescriptions for choosing the parameters t and D of the model, thus closing the procedure for obtaining magic numbers. A good agreement is found between the magic numbers obtained through our model and the experimental results.