QSCP VIII: Contact information

The prefered means for contacting the Organising Committee is electronic mail sent to the address qscp8@chem.uoa.gr.

You may place a phone call, if you are on the road and need to get last minute instructions, by calling one of the following people at the numbers shown:
NameLocationTelephone number
A. Mavridisoffice+30-210-7274501
A. Mavridisfax+30-210-7274752
A. Mavridishome+30-210-6528422
A. Mavridismobile+30-697-6447066
A. Tsekourasoffice (voice/mail)+30-210-7274518
During the conference, participants will be able to send and receive e-mail through their personal accounts at their respective institutions as long as they have remote access to their mail, be that through a web browser or by direct login using telnet or slogin protocols.

Messages can also be delivered care of the Lefka Hotel management. The hotel phone numbers are +30-22980-72311, 72312, 72313 and the fax number is +30-22980-72161.

Please note that as of January 2003, all phone calls placed within Greece require the use of the area code. The phone numbers shown on this page should be dialed as shown without the prefix +30 which is the international access code for Greece.

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