University of Athens
Department of Chemistry
Seminars 2013-14

12 March 2014
Wednesday 13:00
Organic electronics
M. Vasilopoulou, Scientific staff, Advanced Materials, Physicochemical Processes, Nanotechnology & Microsystems, National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"
19 March 2014
Wednesday 13:00
Multifunctional bimodal drug carrying nanosystems with light controlled delivery
K. Yannakopoulou, Research Director, Advanced Materials, Physicochemical Processes, Nanotechnology & Microsystems, National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"
26 March 2014
Wednesday 12:00
Epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation in olefactory epithelial and breast cancer
A. Manglara, Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry, School of Medicine, University of Ioannina and Foundation for Research & Lecturer, Technology-Hellas, Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Department of Biomedical Research (Ioannina)
2 April 2014
Wednesday 13:00
Study of selected phosphatases from the protozoan pathogen Leishmania donovani as putative virulence factors and potential drug targets
H. Boleti, Dep. of Microbiology & Light Microscopy Unit, Hellenic Pasteur Institute
9 April 2014
Wednesday 13:00
Metabolomics and (bio)sensors. Applications in health and food
P. Zoumboulakis, Researcher, Institute of Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biotechnology, National Hellenic Research Foundation
8 May 2014
Thursday 11:00
Quantun Chemistry and its ages
C. Nikolaides, Research Director emeritus, Institute of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, Hellenic National Research Foundation
15 May 2014
Thursday 11:00
Organocatalysis: a modern approach to asymmetric catalysis and green chemistry
C. Kokotos, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Athens
22 May 2014
Thursday 11:00
Self-organized nanostructures of block copolymers and proteins
A. Pispas, Research Director, Institute of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, Hellenic National Research Foundation
29 May 2014
Thursday 11:00
Frying: consequences on food constituents
N. Kalogeropoulos, Assoc. Professor of Food Chemistry, Harokopio University
5 June 2014
Thursday 11:00
Applicationd of Statistical Mechanics Simulations in Computer Assisted Drug Design and in the Study of Biomolecules
Z. Kournia, Investigator, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
12 June 2014
Thursday 11:00
RAS-BRAF, epigenetic mechanisms and targeted anticancer drugs
A. Pintzas, Director, Institute of Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biotechnology, National Hellenic Research Foundation
19 June 2014
Thursday 11:00
Nanostructures of zinc oxide
A. Chrissanthopoulos, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Athens
3 July 2014
Thursday 11:00
Synthesis and characterization of molecular materials
Christos Lampropoulos, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of North Florida, Department of Chemistry
Room A2, Wing E, 2nd floor, Chemistry Building, Panepistimiopolis
Regular time: Fall Semester: Wednesday 13:00 and
Spring Semester: Thursday 11:00

Past years