University of Athens
Department of Chemistry
Seminars 2012-13

21 November 2012
Wednesday 13:00
Synthesis of new compounds with neuroprotective activity
Th. Kalogeropoulou, Director of Research, Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Institute of Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biotechnology, National Hellenic Research Foundation
5 December 2012
Wednesday 13:00
Rational design and synthesis of peptidic and non-peptidic (mimics) analogues against multiple sclerosis
Th. Tselios, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras
12 December 2012
Wednesday 13:00
From Bioinorganic Chemistry to Single Molecule Magnets and Hybrid Molecules
K. Milios, Assistant Professor, Deparment of Chemistry, University of Crete
19 December 2012
Wednesday 13:00
Streptococcus macedonicus ACA-DC 198 produces multiple lantibiotics - A promising protective starter in dairy fermentations
E. Tsakalidou, Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Agricultural University of Athens
16 January 2013
Wednesday 13:00
Chemosensitivity, Chemoresistance: Process control of anticancer drugs action
K. Dimas, lecturer, Pharmacology Laboratory, Department of Medicine, University of Thessaly
23 January 2013
Wednesday 13:00
Sculpting and Evaluating the Bioactivity of Novel Flavonoid Analogues Derived through Modern Chemoenzymatic Approaches
A. Tzakos, lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina
6 February 2013
Wednesday 13:00
Studying bioactivity a.k.a. connecting chemistry with nutrition policy
M. Kapsokefalou, Assoc. Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Agricultural University of Athens
13 February 2013
Wednesday 13:00
Metal phosphonate hybrid materials: Synthesis, architecture, functionality
K. Demadis, Assoc. Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Crete
20 February 2013
Wednesday 13:00
Encapsulation of probiotic bacteria
D. Charalampopoulos, Lecturer in Fermentation & Bioprocessing, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, The University of Reading
28 February 2013
Thursday 11:00
G protein and phosphoinositide signaling to ion channels
D. Logothetis, Professor Department Head, Physiology and Biophysics, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
21 March 2013
Thursday 11:00
Study of selected phosphatases from the protozoan pathogen Leishmania donovani as putative virulence factors and potential drug targets
H. Boleti, Dep. of Microbiology & Light Microscopy Unit, Hellenic Pasteur Institute
16 May 2013
Thursday, 11:00
Synthesis and Characterization of Mechanical Interconnected Molecules Containing Persistent Nitroxide Radicals
M. Lucarini, Professor, Department of Chemistry "G. Ciamician" University of Bologna
23 May 2013
Thursday, 11:00
Activation of O2/H2O by p-dioxolene biomimetic transition metal complexes
A. Keramidas, Assoc. Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus
30 May 2013
Thursday 11:00
Lipid phosphatases and neuronal differentiation: the role of the tumor suppressor PTEN and plasticity-related genes
G. Leondaritis, Pharmacology Laboratory, Medical School, University of Ioannina and MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, King's College London
6 June 2013
Thursday 11:00
Miniaturized devices for on-chip DNA amplification
A. Tserepi, Senior Researcher, Institute of Microelectronics, NCSR "Demokritos"
13 June 2013
Thrusday 11:00
Chemistry in Cultural Heritage Conservation
A. Pournou, Assoc. Professor, Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art, Technological Educational Institute of Athens
20 June 2013
Thursday 11:00
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of metal complexes for targeted chemotherapeutic and/or radiopharmaceutical applications
M. Sagnou, Researcher, Institute of Biosciences & Applications, NCSR "Demokritos"
27 June 2013
Thursday 11:00
Photodegradation of water pollutants using innovative nanostructured titania materials
P. Falaras, Director of Research, Institute of Physical Chemistry, NCSR "Demokritos"
12 July 2013
Friday 11:00
On the electrical and photoelectrical properties of some conducting polymers used in organic solar cells
Mihaela Girtan, Associate Professor, Physics Department, Angers University
Room A2, Wing E, 2nd floor, Chemistry Building, Panepistimiopolis
Regular time: Fall Semester: Wednesday 13:00 and
Spring Semester: Thursday 11:00

Past years