10 December 2001 Monday, 13:00 |
Í5+: a new form of nitrogen
A. Mavridis, Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Athens |
17 December 2001 Monday, 13:00 |
Oxidative damage to DNA: from model compounds to the cell
J. Cadet, Director, "Lesions des Acides Nucleiques" Laboratory, CNRS, Grenoble |
14 January 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Photosensitive polymer materials for microelectronics and micronanotechnology applications
P. Argitis, Chief Scientist, Institute of Microelectronics, NCSR "Dimokritos" |
28 January 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Structural changes, molecular order and critical phenomena in organic and biomolecular systems
G. Nounesis, Chief Scientist, Institute of Radioisotopes, NCSR "Dimokritos" |
11 February 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Modern protein analysis methods. Applications in signal transfer during cell division
G. Panagiotou, Chief Scientist, NCBI "A. Fleming" |
25 February 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Historical problems in the development of Quantum Chemistry
K. Gavroglou, Professor of History of Science, Department of Methodology, History and Theory of Science, University of Athens |
11 March 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
The importance of callicrines in the molecular diagnosis of cancer and the elucidation of carcinogenesis mechanisms
G. Sotiropoulou, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Health Sciences, University of Patras |
1 April 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Global ecosystem and waste
S. Konstas, Ph.D., Vice president, Polytechnic Society |
8 April 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Molecular identification of amphiphilic molecules
K. Paleos, Director, Institute of Physical Chemistry, NCSR "Dimokritos" |
22 April 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Microarrays in gene expression analysis
B. Aidinis, Researcher, NCBR "A. Fleming" |
13 May 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Mechanistic Aspects of C-1' and C-5' Nucleosyl Radicals
C. Chatgilialoglu, Institute I.Co.C.E.A., CNR, Bologna |
20 May 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Total synthesis of linear, branched and cyclic polyamines of biological interest
D. Papaioannou, Professor, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras |
10 June 2002 Monday, 13:00 |
Chemical indicatios for products of place of origin
P. Kefalas, Director, Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Products, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania |