Study of biomolecular interactions using biosensors

Biosensors belong to the new generation of analytical systems that is capable of providing information, not only on the presence of a biological molecule in solution, but also the mechanism of interaction of the molecule with specific substances or biological systems. The talk will focus on the principle of operation of optical and acoustic systems and will describe their application to the study of protein-antibody (protein G with anti-IgG), protein-membrane (melittin with bacterial membranes), membrane-toxin (cytolytic toxin) and protein-cell interactions. The potential of the biosensor devices to biology, biotechnology, nanotechnology and proteomics will be also presented.

Speaker: Electra Gizeli, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Crete & Group Leader, Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, FORTH, Crete
Time: Monday, 30 May 2005, 13:00